Archive for presidential meat

Obama Gets a Burger in Hell

Posted in Burgers, STUFF ABOUT MEAT with tags on May 5, 2009 by chomposaurus

What better way to celebrate Cinco de Mayo then treating Joe Biden (and half the Washington Press Corp) to some bunned steak from Ray’s Hell-Burger, the famously horror-movie-themed beefery in Arlington, VA? There’s excellent video below, in which you can hear how Obama likes his burger, as well as the great moment when the owner, Tim Murray, has to explain to the President of the United States that they don’t do french fries, they do fried cheddar cheese potato balls.

VIDEO here.

Some reviews of Ray’s here, here and here. a

Obama at Ben’s Chili Bowl: Our New President Knows How To Eat

Posted in Hot Dogs, MEAT POLITICS, STUFF ABOUT MEAT with tags , on January 13, 2009 by chomposaurus

So, in case you haven’t heard the biggest meat news of the week, President-Elect Obama visited one of the best fast-food joints in the country, Ben’s Chili Bowl. Here’s the video:

Ben’s Chili Bowl is a 24-hour mecca in D.C., a city that generally shuts down by 1 in the morning. I stumbled in many times after a concert at the 9:30 Club, in desperate need of some chili cheese fries, praying to Allah that there would be a cabbie willing to take me back to Georgetown after I stuffed myself. Follow Barack’s lead and visit next time you’re in the District.

Support our Turkeys, Support our President

Posted in MEAT POLITICS with tags , on November 26, 2008 by chomposaurus

Yes, the President is pardoning some turkeys today – and no, that does not mean he’s pardoning most of his cabinet. Tradition dictates that the President pardon a few lucky Meleagris gallopavo each year. The turkey, it seems, receive the type of treatment that many of our returning veterans do not.

The two 20-week-old, 45-pound white turkeys were escorted up a red carpet by Willard bellmen, who pushed the birds on a cart through the lobby and up to Room 726… The Turkey Suite was sectioned off by baby gates, keeping the birds in the foyer, which was protected with plastic, paper and sawdust. They also won’t be sleeping alone — their trainer, Peter Gruel, will be staying in the adjoining room.

But while they couldn’t sit on the couch, the turkeys did have some perks. Chef Neall Bailey prepared “turkey treats” for them, made of cracked corn, soybeans, roasted hazelnuts, oats and raisins.

And the birds had better get a good night’s sleep, for after their visit to the White House, they will fly first class on United Airlines to Los Angeles, where one of them will be the grand marshal in Thursday’s Disneyland Thanksgiving Day Parade.