Archive for the Cheddarwurst Category

Know Your Sausage: Cheddarwurst

Posted in Cheddarwurst, Hot Dogs, KNOW YOUR SAUSAGE, STUFF ABOUT MEAT with tags , , , on August 6, 2008 by chomposaurus

Ask any scientist what the most astounding invention of the last century or so was, and they will answer, “the injection of cheese into a frankfurter to form a cheesy sausage.” If they do not answer in such manner, then they are a terrorist disguised as a scientist and you should report them immediately to the Department of Homeland Security. If the feds don’t listen, report them to Hebrew National, because God shall deal harshly with their souls.

The genius of the idea lies in its simplicity: tunnels of molten cheese lying inside spicy sausage which ooze out when you bite into it. If you don’t mind a little mess, it’s heavenly.

Who invented Cheddarwurst, though? Is that even the official name? The internet provides few clues. Even pictures are scarce. Hillshire Farms (a division of Sara Lee) seems to have the market cornered on grocery store cheese-filled sausage. There are a few “gourmet” places to get them, too: we found them at Bean’s, Crawford Sausage and Dietz & Watson.

We’ll continue to search for the origins of this magical – dare I say, miraculous – creation. Look for Part 2 of this “Know Your Sausage” in the coming weeks.