Happy Barbecue Season!

It’s Memorial Day, the first day of the Official 2008 BBQ Season in the Northern Hemisphere! GI Joe & Chomposaurus encourage you to watch this brief video regarding grilling safety:

For more (read: real) information, check out the FDNY’s Grilling Tips.

I’d like to add a few of my own:

  1. If you’re a filthy hippy, wash your nappy hair so the oils in it won’t burst into flame.
  2. Do not attempt to grill in a moving vehicle unless that vehicle is a Chevy El Camino.
  3. Taking your George Foreman Grill out onto the porch DOES NOT COUNT as grilling once official grilling season has begun, and you will be penalized for it.
  4. Tempting as it might be, don’t grill your feelings. The smoke will only make things worse.

Happy grilling – Chomp O’Saurus will be back tomorrow with more delicious meat.

One Response to “Happy Barbecue Season!”

  1. Little Lyndsey Says:

    I somehow missed you posting my favorite GI Joe video until just now. Still funny.

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